Professor Gutmann-Gonzalez is a Chilean poet and novelist working at the intersections of text, performance, archive, and translation. They specializes in creative writing (hybrid texts, poetry, fiction) and Latinx literature. They are the author of the novel La Pava (Ediciones Inubicalistas) and […]

Dr. Danielle HanleyDr. Danielle Hanley

Dr. Hanley received her B.A. from Cornell University in 2006. She received her MA and PhD in Political Science, focusing on Political Theory, from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016 and 2018, respectively. She has previously taught courses at University of Pennsylvania, Stockton University, and Rutgers University before coming to Clark.

Dr. Hanley is interested in the role of emotions in political life. Her work draws together scholarship from political theory, classical studies, feminist thought, and performance studies to consider the work of grief and rage in politics. She is currently working on her first book project, based on her dissertation research, which examines grief, rage, and solidarity in the context of Greek tragedy and contemporary protest movements. In addition, she writes about feminist pedagogy in the conventional and virtual classroom. Dr. Hanley is currently teaching the introductory course for Women’s and Gender Studies, and is excited about teaching courses in WGS that will draw on her research and training in political theory, including courses that focus on emotions, gender, and power.